Saturday, 23 June 2012

Laughter~Message From The Faeries


The faeries message for this week is Laughter.  The energy within laughter is good for our soul as it helps to lift burdens or problems that cling to us and won't let go,  we begin to feel a little upliftment as the laughter ripples through us and gives us moments of release from everyday problems.

The fae understand that there will be moments in your life when laughter seems a million miles away or maybe it is not appropriate for you right here and now but know that as time passes so will problems and the feeling of not seeing the way ahead as clear as you would like.  Even if you have to take each day as it comes and learn to laugh again then do it in your own time and your own way, the key to your happiness is entirely in your hands as is the right time for anything.

Whether you laugh at funny memories or the TV those energies will caress your mind and will leave you feeling refreshed so in your own time open your heart and let the laughter pour in.

Healing With The Faeries Oracle Cards~Doreen Virtue

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Elemental Magick (Leprechauns)

The faeries are a part of a big group known as the Elementals to which there are 4 sections, North, East, South & West. I wrote more on the Elementals in one of my previous article's “Earth's Little Guardians”. For me they all play an important part in our lives so for this month's article I want to share some of their magick with you as there are times in our life when we need guidance or to know that we can call out to and share our burdens with those who will not judge.

Leprechauns & Money
I love working with the Leprechauns and yes they really do exist. Leprechauns are Irish fae and are so grumpy but I can understand this as I think I would be too if everytime a Rainbow showed in the sky people began looking for my stash of gold. There are ways of bringing a smile to a Leprechauns face and that is with chocolate money, they are partial to the sweet stuff and it sparkles gold. The one thing to remember when working with the Leprechauns is that they don't like to give more than you need so no matter how often you ask you are not likely to win millions but rather enough to pay a outstanding bill or to buy a much needed pair of shoes.

Perform The Magick
Pot plant & soil/compost
Green candle
Aventurine x 3
Mint seeds

Magick Words
“I ask the Leprechauns to bless each beautiful Aventurine,
I ask the Leprechauns to bless the seeds that are Mint,
As each one is infused with the magick of prosperity
and are buried wthin the soil of Mother Earth,
I ask that silver or gold grows within my purse
at this time of need,
I thank you for your blessing.

This piece of magick is great for out doors so take a plant pot of your choice and fill with soil/compost. Place in the centre a green candle and light (I would use a thick one as they won't fall over). Place your Aventurine and herb seeds to your left hand side. Now get yourself comfortable and take a few deep breaths to clear away any stale energies of the day. As you say the magick (above) out loud take the seeds and plant around the candle, the gems should be placed in the soil but nearer to the edges of the pot. Take your time with this magick and if you have to repeat the words a few times then so be it, magick should never be rushed.

Once finished you should find a suitable area outside for your pot where your mint can flourish and if you want to you can leave the candle in the pot until the herb has grown a little. You can use this magick only a few times during the year otherwise you will be spending all your money on the items and will be overrun with mint! And don't panic when the mint dies back, this doesn't mean your finances will too.

You can of course just light a green candle and ask the Leprechauns to bestow upon you the gift of siver & gold when you really need it, this is a quicker and less expensive way for those times when you don't feel the ceremony above is required. Please be aware that performing magick doesn't guarantee the outcome you have asked for, magick either works or it doesn't and that's the truth of it. I won't dress it up in prettiness but sometimes there are lessons we need to learn along the way and by magick always giving it could mean we do not learn those lessons the way we should but enjoy performing the magick as there is for sure a element of surprise to be found and a connection to the Elementals.

Don't forget to give the Leprechauns a offering, the chocolate gold coins will go down a treat.

Leprechaun blessings one and all.

Rachel x

Article taken from May edition "Silent Voices" magazine

Friday, 1 June 2012

Lavender & Amethyst Faeries (Magick)

Lavender & Amethyst Faeries

To work with the Lavender & Amethyst faeries, take a purple/lilac candle, add a sprig of lavender to the one side and a amethyst to the other side. A Lavender faery helps to unblock your mind, are very protective, will attune you into your psychic powers & bring about a deep sleep. The amethyst faeries will enhance these. Affirmation "I call upon thee, Lavender & Amethyst faeries ........and then your affirmation.

 © Rachel Curtis

Jacky Newcomb Interview

JACKY NEWCOMB 'The Angel Lady'

Q. How has your life changed over the years with regards to your angel work?

A. My life has changed completely! I put myself out of my comfort 'zone' all the time, constantly doing scary things...I've found it's the best way for my soul to grow. When I'm asked to do something new I always say YES but then get scared afterwards! It always works out fine though.

I've also met a lot of famous people and appeared on television...the sorts of things that I would never have done if I hadn't started writing books. My face is regularly staring out from the pages of magazines and it still seems strange to sign autographs and pose for photographs, but I don't mind one bit. People are so lovely to ask me!

I still think of myself as a housewife who's done ok with her life! My family keep my feet firmly on the ground though.

Q. Where does all your inspiration comes from?

A. Usually I let my readers decide what's coming next; when I got a lot of letters asking me about psychic children I realised it was time to start researching a book on the subject for example. The stories in the book are all real - both my own paranormal experiences and those of my readers, so I work with whatever my postbag has brought me.

Q. What inspired you to start writing about angels?

A. I was watching a TV programme about angels and had a spontaneous memory of an experience I'd had when I was about five. I recalled a near-drowning experience where I'd felt I was helped safely back to shore by angels. After that I began investigating the subject and eventually decided to write a book about them. I had no idea what I was doing but just got on with it and hoped for the best. I learnt as I went along and you know what? It worked out just fine!

Q. Any tips on how to best connect to your guardian angels?

A. Ask them to help! I know it sounds obvious but we do have to give them permission to intervene in our lives. I find rituals are fun (you can make up your own and you'll find lots of tips in my next book 'Angel Secrets'), but meditating is the best way to feel them really closely.

Q. Your favourite book written by yourself and why?

A. I've never been asked that before! I think it has to be 'Angel Kids', a book about children's psychic experiences, because the stories are amazing and it was the hardest to research (It took me several years to pull it all together). My second favourite is 'Angels Watching Over Me', because it contains so much information about the afterlife. (Of course I have more books in the pipeline so I am sure my favourites will change as the years go by).


ABOUT JACKY NEWCOMBJacky Newcomb is a multi-award winning, Sunday Times best selling author, columnist, presenter and paranormal experiences expert specialising in angels and afterlife phenomenon. For more information about Jacky visit:

Interview carried out by Rachel Curtis 22/09/10

Book Review ~ Faeriecraft By Alicen & Neil Ward Geddes

My Book Review~Faeriecraft by Alicen & Neil Ward Geddes. Hay House.

If you are curious about the magical world of the faeries then this is the perfect book for you. Transported into a realm where the fae live & play you will discover a pathway in which to walk and learn. The authors gently bring you into the book where you are introduced to their traditional customs, how to connect to the beautiful faerie Kings & Queens, Celebrations of the seasons plus rejoicing birth & marriage. This wonderful book becomes much more than just a book, you become absorbed within the pages, getting to know more about meditation, becoming a faerie priest/priestess and gaining the confidence to follow a path you only dream of. I did not want this gem of a book to end, I could have kept reading! It encourages a relationship with mother nature, helps you to look within and discover the faerie that lays within your soul and is waiting to reconnect with your whole being. You can also introduce your children to Faeriecraft and practice as a family.

Permission sought from Neil himself.

The Faery Enchantress x

June 2011

World Faery Day

June 24th all over the world is known now as World Faery Day.  It is a time when those who work with the faeries or who simply love anything faery can come together and show our love, inspiration, connection to the fae.  You may have noticed here on facebook the great excitement of tomorrow, there are invitations going round to join in.  I have added the link where it all started

There are many ways in which to celebrate and I will add a list here.  Don't forget to take photo's and add them or even to tell myself and others about how you celebrated as we would all love to know.

Bake a cake, decorate with sprinkles.  Leaving some out for the fae.
Paint a pebble and add a faery word such as bubbles, inspire, dream etc, leave in your faery garden.
Create a wind chime with bells, ribbons, shells and hang outside.
Plant some herbs.
Paint a faery picture and hang upon your fridge.
Make a faery door with salt dough and decorate.
Make a faery crown for yourself or for the faeries, the fae love crowns so one for them would be great.
A faery book, a miniature book with drawings, poems, sticky gems added.
Fresh flowers in the home.

For your faery altar~
A pretty coloured cloth.
Small bowl of water with gems placed in it.
Decorated candle~You can add stamped images.
Make your own faery wand.
Rose petals but only those that have fallen off the rose.
A elven star made from sticks fallen from the tree and decorated.

Be creative~
Dedicate a poem.
Write a affirmation.
Make a collage of all faery pictures you love.
Make miniature faery wings.

This is a fab way of getting children involved, get out the glitter and glue and leave them have fun and mess!

Faery blessings.

© The Faery Enchantress June 2011

Lemon Faeries

The Lemon Faeries
I love the smell of lemon's, such a clean and refreshing smell which leaves you feeling uplifted. These faeries can help to purify your body and mind, leaving you feel as though you have washed away any negativity that might have clung to you, they can also help with love and with friendships.
I want to talk more about the purification, especially if you are prone to nightmares. By placing a few drops of lemon essential oil in some water in a oil burner you are infusing wonderful cleansing energies and releasing stale and stagnant vibes, leaving your body and mind feeling re~energized and clean just like a fresh slate upon which you can now embrace positive energies within.
"Lemon faeries with your cleansing energies,
take away all that is is not wanted within,
let me be free of stale, stagnant or negative vibes,
I shall start my day fresh and feeling so alive,
ready to face the world, radiant and happy,
filled with love and hope for the day ahead,
thank you"
**Avoid using Lemon essential oil if you have sensitive skin
With all essential oils you need to be careful when using them, I highly suggest investing in a book which will inform you of who should not use them due to certain illnesses or allergies etc or consult a qualified aromatherapist.

. © RC/TFE 6/1/12