Thursday, 24 July 2014

Just A Moment

Just a moment please..........there are some days when I feel I need to say this to those who are asking too much of me.  A day can be so busy with not a moment to spare as we rush around getting everything organized and we forget to just take a moment to catch our breath.  Five minutes can make such a huge difference to recharging our body and mind and we do need regular breaks for a cuppa and especially when the weather is as hot as it is here in the UK at the moment.

Remember you are human and your body needs fuel such as fluids and food whereas your mind needs to shut down and be still.  Rushing round to the point of exhaustion won't do you any good, your whole being is likely to crash out or you'll feel run down and ill.  We aren't super humans running on empty but people doing what needs to be done while nourishing our soul throughout the day.

Just a moment please is going to be used more often I think.......

Rachel x


Francene Stanley said...

So right, Rachael. However, there comes a time in your life when you have no obligations and your body starts to slow down of its own accord. Despite growing old, I still take the time to meditate every morning. From then on, my day flows smoothly.

Alexandria Ingham said...

It's so easy to forget about resting, eating and drinking. I often have a day where my body shuts down for me from exhaustion because I'm overdoing it. I try to take at least one day a week where I don't have to do anything but it doesn't always happen. Now that I'm no longer studying from home (finished the last module and taking some time out before I do another) I have more time during the day to do things.

Rachel Curtis said...

Hiya Francene, getting older definitely has it's disadvantages lol but taking time out is so important x

Rachel Curtis said...

Enjoy some time for yourself Lexi, we take on extra but don't allow for time needed to recharge x

Sophie Bowns said...

I agree, we cannot keep overdoing it all the time. Our bodies just cannot take it.
From time to time, we just need a break!

Rachel Curtis said...

Exactly Sophie x