Saturday, 23 June 2012

Laughter~Message From The Faeries


The faeries message for this week is Laughter.  The energy within laughter is good for our soul as it helps to lift burdens or problems that cling to us and won't let go,  we begin to feel a little upliftment as the laughter ripples through us and gives us moments of release from everyday problems.

The fae understand that there will be moments in your life when laughter seems a million miles away or maybe it is not appropriate for you right here and now but know that as time passes so will problems and the feeling of not seeing the way ahead as clear as you would like.  Even if you have to take each day as it comes and learn to laugh again then do it in your own time and your own way, the key to your happiness is entirely in your hands as is the right time for anything.

Whether you laugh at funny memories or the TV those energies will caress your mind and will leave you feeling refreshed so in your own time open your heart and let the laughter pour in.

Healing With The Faeries Oracle Cards~Doreen Virtue


8inanna said...

i have that oracle and i just love it.. it has being a wonderful way to reach the fairies. thanks for the message!!.

Rachel Curtis said...

Hi Berny,

They are beautiful cards aren't they, thanks for receiving the message.

Rachel x

Crystal T. said...

Laughter is very important, thank you for the reminder!