Tuesday 8 July 2014

Let It Go

Letting go of past or ongoing situations isn't always as easy as just letting go, the emotions that comes with sadness, anger, feeling lost can take over and leave us drained.   It can lead to depression and our lives can be altered dramatically, so what can we do?

Talk to someone you trust about how you are feeling and about the situation should you feel you want to discuss what is happening or has happened.  This could be your Dr or friend etc.

Take each day as it comes and don't put pressure on yourself to get fixed overnight.

Maybe you like to have a yearly plan so you can set your goals and work towards them.

Write down how you feel, sometimes letting it all flow onto paper can be a huge release, you can always burn or shred the paper if you don't want anyone to see it.

Be more positive towards yourself, how often do we blame ourselves for something we had no control over, how often do we put ourselves down.  By thinking these negative thoughts we eventually become them.  Even if just once a day you compliment yourself on something you like about yourself or what you feel you are good at.  You'll be surprised at how your confidence will grow over time.

Just remember to be kind to yourself, life isn't always easy and sometimes crap happens and we get pulled in without a lifeboat.  Don't feel like you have to suffer because there is help out there and it's important to get that help, here in the UK we have the Citizens Advice Bureaux for advice and of course your Dr, maybe you have a good friend or family member that can be there for you.  The one thing we need to learn to let go is not giving ourselves enough credit for the positive and good things we have achieved so far in life, you are stronger than you think and I have every faith that you are able to make the changes you need in your life...... learn to love you, you are worth it.

Rachel x


Alexandria Ingham said...

Excellent post, Rachel. I love your blog and you always have something that interests me or calls to me every day. This one especially does. I used to have a very bad habit of holding onto things that happened in the past and it led to depression. I was lucky to have a partner who noticed that something wasn't right mentally and has worked with me to get the help I needed instead of walking away. It's been three years since I've had a depression relapse now, but it helps that we both know the signs to look out for and I've learnt to just let go of the past if I can't do anything about it.

Vinay Leo R. said...

Quite true, and a beautiful way to put it. Letting go of the past is not as easy, but it helps when there is someone around who you trust and can talk to. And yes, writing always helps I feel. Liked the post a lot.

Rachel Curtis said...

Thanx Lexi, glad I can be of any help......people don't always understand depression and I am so pleased that you have partner who supports you because that can be a great help and also that you are feeling better within yourself....it can be hard to share with others about depression but thank you for sharing because it will help others to know they are not alone. Thanx angel x

Rachel Curtis said...

THanx Leo, really appreciate it, you are right, having support can help tremendously x

Francene Stanley said...

Great advice, Rachel. So many people have problems that seem too hard to handle. Writing them down always forces you to get to the heart of the matter.

Rachel Curtis said...

Thanx Francene, I always write everything down so I can see clearly what the problem is and how to deal with it x

Vinodini said...

What an uplifting post Rachel?! We often end up beating ourselves for things that are not within our control but end up ignoring things that we can control - like our reactions, for instance. You got me thinking with this post :)

Rachel Curtis said...

Thanx Vinodini, we do don't we, I just hope to be able to help one person or at least let others know they are not alone x

Andrea said...

I love your suggestion of writing things down as a way of letting them go. No need to post the letter or let other people read what you've written. I find it helps to clarify my thinking as well, which also helps to let things go. Not always easy, as you say, but writing certainly helps. Great post! Thanks. Andrea

Rachel Curtis said...

Hiya Andrea, writing is such a wonderful way of letting go and it seems there are a lot of us who do it too, thanx for stopping by, really appreciate it x

Jeanine Byers said...

Letting go can be such a challenge! I am bumping up against a couple of things that are in my way, and I know that healing and letting go are the solutions. Thanks for your encouragement!

Rachel Curtis said...

It can be a challenge Anna, hope you manage to kick those things out of your way and are able to proceed forward x