Friday 1 June 2012

Book Review ~ Faeriecraft By Alicen & Neil Ward Geddes

My Book Review~Faeriecraft by Alicen & Neil Ward Geddes. Hay House.

If you are curious about the magical world of the faeries then this is the perfect book for you. Transported into a realm where the fae live & play you will discover a pathway in which to walk and learn. The authors gently bring you into the book where you are introduced to their traditional customs, how to connect to the beautiful faerie Kings & Queens, Celebrations of the seasons plus rejoicing birth & marriage. This wonderful book becomes much more than just a book, you become absorbed within the pages, getting to know more about meditation, becoming a faerie priest/priestess and gaining the confidence to follow a path you only dream of. I did not want this gem of a book to end, I could have kept reading! It encourages a relationship with mother nature, helps you to look within and discover the faerie that lays within your soul and is waiting to reconnect with your whole being. You can also introduce your children to Faeriecraft and practice as a family.

Permission sought from Neil himself.

The Faery Enchantress x

June 2011

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